Tuesday 2 April 2013

BRING IT ON-Ko Sung Hyun

To challenge every game with the most initial passion, a real man sweating on the court and his future have infinite possibilities! 
Ko Sung Hyun
Ko Sung Hyun

V : How old were you when you first started to play badminton? When was your first game? 
Ko : I started playing when I was 12 years old. I forgot when I played my first game, but I remember I played my first national game when I was 12. I had only practiced for 7 or 8 months when I competed in my first game and I still lost in the end, so I had a very clear memory of it.

V : What do you think about partnering with Lee Yong-Dae? 
Ko : Because I joined the National Team without going through the Junior team, consequently, compared to Lee Yong-Dae, I have much less experience. Even though he is my junior, he really possesses much more experience than I do.........Full Article