Tuesday 2 April 2013


On the court he is perfection, but leaving his stardom behind, he is just a neighborhood kid who lives to his fullest potential and he will tell you about his private side.

Lee Yong Dae

V : After winning only the bronze medal in the London grand sporting event of 2012, you must be unsatisfied with that result ?
I regret deeply that I have only achieved this result because attending the event means winning the gold. But now, I have forgotten about this and since it has already happened, I can only remember this experience and its lessons and work harder in future competitions.

V : From the “Sung-Yong combination” to the “Hyun- Yong combination,” you are now partners with Ko Sung- Hyun, is there anything you would like to say to your partner?
When I was partnered with Jung Jae-Sung, we were more passive/aggressive players after serving, but Ko Sung-Hyun and I are more assertive......Full Article